Sunday, 3 December 2017

Lesson plan Unit 4

This lesson plan had been designed for the Newcomers in a government funded school, intermediate level classroom in Winnipeg. Their main goal is to be comfortable with grammar. This class mainly occurs on Mondays and Wednesdays the timings for this class are from 7-9 pm (2 hrs long).

This plan particularly is based on the task-based method. This plan will be focused on the students writing and speaking skills.

Resources- a picture of themselves from 10 years ago, Pen and paper.

Overview- Everyone gets their photograph from 10 years ago and they look at the differences in themselves from than to now.

Than everyone writes a short paper on themselves on how they were before and how they are now including differences from than to now and things which stayed the same from than to now. Than they will share this short paper about them with the whole class or in groups of two this way they are able to SPEAK comfortably in front of the class.

Prepare a written instruction of this activity beforehand for the class distribution.

Warm-up activity

First the teacher can put up a picture of them self and ask the students what differences they notice in you from 10 years ago to now, don’t correct them just yet though. Let students allow to have a short discussion as well if they want. (15 minutes)


Tell students to work in a short group of 3 or 4. Ask them to discuss and write down their differences from 10 years to now and also put some major questions on the board which they would have to answer on a piece of paper.

·         How did you look like before?

·         Are you any different now, if so than how?

·         Did your hobbies change from than to now?

These questions will get students started in group conversation, tell the students think about these questions discuss it with their group in the mean time teacher can circulate around and listen to their conversation but do not correct them just yet. (15 minutes)

Tell students to stop after 10-15 minutes inform them to write down their discussion points into a short group summery they must work together on this as a group. Tell students to be prepared to present this summery orally to the class. (20 minutes)

When students are ready inform one spokesperson from each of the group to stand up and present their group summery to the class. Tell the rest of the class to listen to each of the group summery very carefully and decide at end of all group summery that who has changed the most over 10 years of time-period. Whoever that would be tell them to show their picture or say how they are so different now. (20 minutes)

Put your photo back of the board and inform the students that you will be doing the same activity and telling them how you have changed from than to now and ask the students some questions like what did I say about my hair, what did I say about my glasses and so on. And if they find it hard to understand than read the text again. (15 minutes)

Than choose 2-3 points from your description from than to now and add used-to to it, so like

I used to wear glasses than.

I used to have black long hair back than.

I didn’t used to do my homework.

Check students understanding on each of these sentences. (15 minutes)

Explain where we use used-to in English. Tell them that in English language we use used-to when describing their past habits or so.

Than lastly, write some used-to sentences on board and tell students to write a few hobbies of them which they used-to have once they are all done than tell students to check their sentences with one another. (20 minutes)

Saturday, 2 December 2017

Unit 4 aha

Image result for grammar lesson

My aha moment was from this video Grammar Lesson Planning Tutorial for Teaching English as a Foreign Language from unit 4. I felt that using real life examples to teach to the students and also by making them write about their experiences would be a great and a fun way to teach grammar to the students. I really do think that learning experience is much more effective if it is taught in more of a fun and engaging way, this way students rarely do loose any interest in their learning process.

Friday, 1 December 2017

Unit 3 aha

Image result for grammar

My aha moment for unit 3 would have to the quiz question no 5 "The teacher should be selective when correcting mistakes" where I thought the answer for this one should be true but in certain cases. Sometimes it is good be selective but the answer was false and I can see why it was false because despite those few times as a teacher it is good to correct the mistakes as a whole rather than being selective that a teacher can see where the student struggles and more so focus on the big problem areas rather than small mistakes.